展開一場心靈之旅!四月17日濯足節(MAUNDAY THURSDAY)一起參觀宿霧數百年歷史的教堂以及重新發現古老的傳統神殿和禮拜堂。只要一天的時間,帶你遊覽南宿霧唷~不僅是欣賞聳立至今的雕像及雕刻藝術品,還有一路上讚歎不已的手工藝品和當地的美味佳餚,這也是菲律賓文化的一部分,更顯示了人們在農村的創造力。
Visit seven churches in the South:
Pedro Calungsod Chapel (South Road Properties)
The Chapel was donated by Henry Sy, Sr. and Felicidad Sy to the Archdiocese of Cebu, and is dedicated to San Pedro Calungsod, the first Visayan saint, who is considered a role model for the youth. Martyred in Guam for his missionary work in 1672, he was beatified by Blessed Pope John Paul II on March 5, 2000. San Pedro Calungsod was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI at Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City last Oct. 21.
San Isidro Labrador (San Fernando, Cebu)
By Royal Decree of 1858, the new parish – a town with a Parish Priest of it own was created. It was named San Isidro Labrador. Later, however, the name was changed to San Fernando in honor of its well-liked priest, Father Fernando Sanchez and the saint whom he was named.
St. Catherine of Alexandria (Carcar, Cebu)
This church, known as St. Catherine Church, was named after the town's patron saint, St. Catherine of Alexandria, in whose honor the people of Carcar celebrate the yearly fiesta every 25th of November. St. Catherine's Church is the second oldest church in Cebu. Fr. Antonio Maglano, the parish priest of Carcar at the time, started building the church in 1859. However, it took six years before it was finished. Another priest, Fr. Manuel Fernandez took the credit for the present design of the church, admired for its byzantine architecture, Greco-Roman altar, and twin- bell towers having a minaret shape similar to Muslim mosques.
St. Michael the Archangel (Argao)
St. Michael the Archangel Church founded on October 16, 1733 and was constructed by Fr. Mateo Perez from 1803 to 1836. It was partly damaged together with convent during a typhoon in 1876.
The church measures 72m long and 16m wide and 10m high. Inside the church are murals on the ceiling done by the country's best painters. The first part were the murals of biblical scenes done by Canuto Avila and the second part on the altar, murals of St. Michael defeating Lucifer and his followers, done by Ray Francia.
San Guillermo de Aquitana (Dalaguete)
The parish of Dalaguete was established in 1711 under the advocacy of San Guillermo de Aquitania. The current structure, made from coral blocks, was started in 1802. Like Argao, the interior is richly decorated with ceiling paintings and a baroque-rococo style retablo that was added in 1802-1825. This church and Argao Church is similar in design from the form of the facade to the placement of the bell tower as well as the attached convent that it is easy to confuse the two.
Nuestra Senora Patrocinio de Maria (Boljoon)
The Boljoon Church is the oldest remaining original stone church in Cebu. In 1999, the National Historical Institute declared it a National Historical Landmark. The following year, the National Museum declared it as a National Cultural Treasure.
Boljoon Church shows old and intricate carvings and bass relief. It is in a pseudo-baroque rococo style. The interior is decorated beautifully. It has a main nave, a transcript, and twenty-eight pillars which support the walls. The walls are as thick as the pillars which are two meters thick and made of mortar and lime. A communion rail with ornate silverworks was stolen from the church.
This Baroque Church is included in the tentative list of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Our Lady of Immaculate Concepcion (Oslob)
Oslob was established as a visita of Boljoon in 1690 and became an independent parish in 1848 with the Immaculate Conception as its patroness. The present day church of cut coral stone was built by Fr. Julian Bermejo in May 4, 1830 following the plans of Cebu Bishop Santos Gomez Marañon and was finished 18 years later. The buttresses that would later on form part of this very massive church were added by Fr. Juan Aragones between 1848 and 1850. The adjacent bell tower was built in 1858. The church was burned during the Second World War liberating Philippine Commonwealth troops and Cebuano guerillas against the Japanese in Oslob in 1945, and 1955 but was eventually restored.
The entire church complex is surrounded by a stone wall. At the southeastern portion of the complex are the unfinished remains of a military barracks. Outside the walls are the remains of a watchtower, one of the many that line the southeastern coast of the Cebu.
The church is connected to the parish house or convento that still has its original clay-tiled roof. Across the church is the former mortuary chapel with a pediment decorated with a relief of a human skeleton. North of the complex is a small road that leads to the old cemetery.
活動預算: PHP 1,950 per person
Date: APRIL 17, 2014
Air Conditioned Transportation空調車
Service of Tour Guide當地導遊
Entrance Fees 教堂門票費
Complimentary 1 Bottled Water 附贈礦泉水一瓶
Light Snacks 點心
A sumptuous Lunch will be served.豐盛當地中餐
1. Wear something comfortable but kindly avoid spaghetti or strapless tops and short shorts in keeping the dress code of the church. 請勿穿著細肩帶及短褲唷!
2. Bring a hat or umbrella. 請攜帶防曬帽及雨傘
有興趣的同學~~請跟我報名吧 !!!!!!!
濯足節(英語:Maundy Thursday、意思是「授命星期四」,拉丁語:Dies Cenae Domini、意思是「設立聖餐日」,義大利語:Giovedì Santo、意思是「神聖星期四」)為復活節前的星期四,乃基督教(廣義)紀念耶穌基督最後的晚餐,設立了聖餐禮、濯足服事精神的重要日子。